Dish Protectors Cases: Which Option Should I Choose?

Dish protectors cases can make storing and transporting your Starlink dish a breeze, whether round or rectangular.  The cases are very popular among RV users who require internet communication while traveling.  The good news is …

Starlink Internet service concept

Dish protectors cases can make storing and transporting your Starlink dish a breeze, whether round or rectangular. 

The cases are very popular among RV users who require internet communication while traveling. 

The good news is you have options for Starlink RV storage cases. Starlink offers its own travel case through its shop.

 At the same time, you can get several aftermarket alternatives, most of which may offer you even better protection. 

We offer a detailed breakdown of the best carry case option for your Starlink kit. 

When purchasing Starlink dish protectors, consider the size of your kit. Not all Starlink kits are the same in size. 

It would be best to have something to hold your dish, the stand, and the cables appropriately.

However, a case for Starlink RV that is too large may also inconvenience you, especially when you want to use it as a carry-on for air travel. 

In this case, the aftermarket offers better flexibility in terms of sizes compared to what you will find in a Starlink shop. 

Some come with foam inserts that enable you to create a custom fit for your Starlink size.

Another important factor to consider is compatibility. 

Starlink’s official travel case is only compatible with rectangular but not round Starlink dishes.

 On the other hand, Starlink aftermarket travel cases can fit both rectangular and round dishes. 

Aftermarket options also offer waterproof cases, which you will not find in Starlink shops. 

This can be good news if you travel to areas with frequent snowfalls or rain. 

Starlink offers its own RV case, referred to as the Starlink Travel case. 

These cases are available on Starlink shops at competitive prices. 

The price tags usually exclude taxation and shipping charges. 

Most Starlink cases feature a sturdy plastic exterior. Besides, they don’t come with DIY options. 

However, zippered compartments offer more room for accommodating all your Starlink kit content. 

Starlink RV backpack shoulder straps have decent pads to make it comfortable to carry on your back during transportation.

 If you prefer carrying it in your hand, they have plenty of hand straps to make transportation easy. 

Another thing we liked most about official Starlink cases is their compact nature. 

On the downside, they are not customizable and are only compatible with rectangular dishes.

 If you want a Satlink RV carrying case for the original round dish, you can look at other options. 

Aftermarket Starlink cases offer more advantages than the official Starlink cases. The most attractive one is compatibility. 

These cases are compatible with both rectangular and round dishes. 

While you can get some of their cases with a compartment, some offer you the flexibility to custom your own compartment. 

Lastly, their watertight nature is another feature you will not find with official Starlink cases. 

A round Starlink dish on the floor.

A round Starlink dish on the floor.

Dish Protector Prices

The prices of Starlink dish protectors widely vary from product to product, depending on several factors, including the size and where you buy it. 

It is advisable to explore the market to get the best value. 

Custom Starlink cases come at premium prices, most of which may be higher than original Starlink cases.

 However, if you are on a budget, you can go for a cheap store-bought aftermarket and customize it to your liking. 

The good thing is the DIY ones work just as fine as official Starlink cases.

Are Dish Protectors Cases Worth It?

If you plan to have your Starlink on the go, having a case is worth it. Remember, you will pay a one-time fee of $599 for RV Starlink equipment

Nothing wrong with spending a little more on the case to protect it. 

The cases will help you to safely store and transport your Starlink dish. 

They are strong, so any knock during transportation will not damage your Starlink dish. This will save you money in the long run.  

There are several aftermarket Starlink RV case options. Our top three picks exemplify what you should expect from a quality case.

 However, we recommend you do thorough market research to find your best fit if these three won’t serve you right. 

Caseman 20911 Rugged Travel Case

This is a plastic-made aftermarket case with the ability to withstand knocks. You don’t have to worry about your kit getting a knock once you fit it in this case. 

The kit is also safe from wetness as the case is watertight. 

Pelican 1610 Case

Pelican 1610 also has a tough case that can withstand knocks and is waterproof.

 However, it doesn’t have a premade interior like in the Caseman 20911 Rugged Travel case. 

Meaning you will require a little DIY of the interior. 

Zarges USA Shattle Casemost

This is a larger option but with the ability to withstand even a more demanding environment.

 Unlike the first two in our list with the plastic exterior, Zarges USA Casemost is metallic. The only downside is its high price. 

Which Option Should I Pick? The Final Verdict

The main difference between these two Starlink travel case options is their compatibility with the kit. Official Starlink cases limit their compatibility to rectangular kits.

 Therefore, they are not a good option for a round dish. 

For round dishes, you may consider searching the case in aftermarket options. 

They are compatible with both rectangular and round dishes.